Local partner 2022

The previous event in 2021 was already held by the DGRe together with the Institute for Rescue, Emergency and Disaster Management (IREM) at the Würzburg-Schweinfurt University of Applied Sciences. Since the 2021 event had to take place in digital form due to the SARS-CoVID-19 pandemic, the IREM was again selected as the local partner for the 2. Forum Rettungswissenschaften in 2022.

As a scientific partner, the IREM they are an essential aspect of the event’s success. They are providing the location and participate in the program and organizing committee.

You can find more detailed information about the location and how to get there here.

The Institute for Rescue, Emergency, and Disaster Management – IREM, founded in 2014 is an institute of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Applied Sciences Würzburg Schweinfurt (FHWS). The aim of IREM is to transfer interdisciplinary knowledge into usable projects and products as well as training and qualification measures that explicitly deal with current issues in the areas of health and rescue, disaster, and civil protection. A particular focus is on the interfaces to AI, digitization, and human-technology interaction. The integration of structures and experiences of the members of authorities and organizations with security tasks is of particular importance at IREM. Since January 2018 the Institute IREM has been a scientific member and project partner in the consortium of the “Nursing Practice Center Nuremberg”, which is one of four Nursing Practice Centers (PPZ) and the Nursing Innovation Center (PIZ) in Oldenburg in the “Future of Nursing” cluster by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) is funded. In addition, IREM has been a project partner in the PeTRA (Person Transfer Robot Assistant) consortium since February 2020 and accompanies commissioned and student projects at the university. The digital dynamic patient and position simulation (D2Puls) research project started in March 2021. The aim of the D2PuLs project is, with the help of a scalable, digital simulation environment to be developed, to offer a practical and innovative approach for the cross-sectoral training and further education of emergency and management personnel in health and disaster control in order to deal with different situations in the event of a mass incident to train emergency patients (MAN situations). In the current pandemic, IREM is actively involved by Prof. Dr. Bradl in setting up vaccination centers.

The two institute directors, Prof. Dr. Christian Bauer and Prof. Dr. Peter Bradl, are active nationwide as elected and appointed members in relevant institutions and committees and thus stand for the interlinking of research and practice in this environment.

A few impressions of the FHWS as a partner and venue